Elvina Zeltsman, Rafael Levchin. FESTIVALS: SHORTLY & PARTLY IN RUSSIAN - полутона


Рефлект...куадусешщт #12

Elvina Zeltsman, Rafael Levchin. FESTIVALS: SHORTLY & PARTLY IN RUSSIAN

We don't know, why REELING didn't want to give press passes for us, but that's all right. Byla by chest' predlozhena (no problem, folks!).

So, let's talk about CUFF: we didn't see a lot of movies, which we actually should see. Why?
Of course, we should see "I OF K9" and/or "THUS SPAKE ZARATUSTRA" by Nik Zedd (tem pache, chto my obeshchali sdelat' sie davnym-davno...), but... hmmm...
But we saw "AD MIDNIGHT I'LL TAKE YOUR SOUL" (1964), "THIS NIGHT I'LL POSSESS YOUR CORPSE" (1966), and "AWAKENING OF THE BEAST" (originally titled "RITUAL OF THE SADIST", 1969) by Jose Mojica Marins. And we're stunned. This great horror films were made in Brazil at sixties. Isn't that enough? No, it isn't. What about descent into hell, where the protagonist meets Satan -- hinself?! Oh, man...
No, seriously -- we didn't think we can be inpressed this way, but we were. Thanks, Jose Mojica! We promise for now to look for his films carefully everywhere. That was the real pearl of CUFF, for sure.
"MALDOROR" by Kerry Sharp, Filmgruppe Abgedreht, Caroline Kennedy, Dunkan Reekie, Filmgruppe Chaos, Colette Routhier, Steven Eastwood... et cetera... well, it was good, but the original -- the poem by pre-surrealist Lautreamont -- is much more dark, fantastik, and chimerical. Anyway, this radical project, where 12 filmmakers, eight from UK and four from Germany, were selected, and each made one chapter of this film, usinf different techniques, styles, actors and locations, but there was a single voice of narrator (zabegaia vpered, tot zhe priem my nashli v fil'me "WALKING LIFE" na Internatsional'nom Festivale, i ves'ma rady takomu sovpadeniiu!).
"A PRIMER FOR DENTAL EXTRACTION" by Carl Wiedermann was interesting, but a little too obsessive. This amazon, destroying everything... we liked her, but soon became tired.
"MIRROR" by Lee Lanier was the small shedevr. This young lady, turning herself into some kind of idol...
"PLASTER CASTER" by Jessika Villines about portraiting penises was simply boring. We all know that people have genitals, but we believe that an art isn't only about it. Yeah, boring-boring, like quasi-poet Prigov!
"STAR SPANGLED BABY DOLL" by Skizz Cyzyk -- let's compare it with one old poem about small doll, who belongs to nobody... Here, in USA, the dollss are some small idols and the part of national mythology. So, burning doll is the allusion to Molokh, sacrifice, hell, and so on.
"SATAN WAS LADY" by Doris Wishman -- we can't watch it untill the end. Actress Noney Lauren was very good in CUFF's "MEN CRY BULLETS" (1998), but here... no magic, no imagination, only repeating some gages from our dirty life. Yes, a life IS dirty sometimes, so what?
And no single word about "ASS" by Usama Alshaibi, OK?

Let's talk about International Film Festival.
The very first and the best, of course, "AMELIE". This film became famous around the world for now, and sone people said (snoby!): "But this is clip!"
OK, so what? It is great, anyway. The girl, who's creating the world around her, and this world become better and better, if she wants it... and her TV, working like oracle, with Stalin in chronicles!.. We simply love it!
And "WALKING LIFE" -- some trick, as in "MALDOROR": different animations, different styles, different images -- and whole saga about life after death... or life in infinity... or, maybe, all life of protagonist is only dream of kid, who imagined himself as adult... and this is endless jorney from one dream to another... and again... and again...
It is wonderfull. It really is.
Festival would be good, even if it didn't give us any more movies!
next year we'll try to use some different technique (or let's say, new angle) of view. So, see you soon (skoro uvidimsia!)!