Владислав ПОЛЯКОВСКИЙ. at home darkness etc. - полутона


Рефлект...куадусешщт #19

Владислав ПОЛЯКОВСКИЙ. at home darkness etc.

Автор визуальной работы - Rafael Levchin.

* * * *
at home darkness
crouded place of darkness
brilliant place of darkness
shrinking the palace of darkness

some leaves are rounding
lower audens bringing lower stars from lower sky
with scrawny buzzard of heavens' eye
for higher miltons lie
in the higher palace of marble erections shrinking cummings
fortunatly alone

as you in the place of darkness like cat in the night

* * * *
my floating illusion but be with
and fill IT in and be THAT for sure
for ages and something with me

i'd love IT and i love and ITS minute
made roping feelings chaining my side
above IT and in me and more than IT

in coffeecup laptop handshaking
IT see me remember me what IT
ever insite IT what a phat

in town every hamlet in country
side of all dreams kept and gone
the beach of all hopes will foe us

with up IT'S not easy to be to
self soul gypsy wonder of truth
but not so hard as IT would be

so mine me and mine IT and you stay then
felicity barkers comes round then
department of principize then

and IT stays to wait someone else

* * * *
oh yes that is ignorance tax of the future
chairs of amber hands of blue sand
minutes of visual love and seconds of cosmic sex
(because human can not live in this situation longer than one minute)

bleeding all the fancies away from significant lips
mutual friends on the another side of the hand
wicked birds on the another side of the eye

persuading solutions for the movement of women for water
heart cums against invitations
a cupple of salt sprangled banner makes a revision for to be not to be
remakes all surroundings inner and white outter spaces between

match out the lemon of liberty
and white apple and god blessed america
while goose sang no pasaran
gingle bells watch out the leader
cause santa plays war children fun

performing sweet (sexy) six years old girls for fun

* * * *
mr tree and mrs animal were having sex when young mr human called them
mum daddy
parents sent him to play
mr human invented fusion power and showed it
you are clever told parents

mr tree and mrs animal were having lunch when young mr human called them
mum daddy
parents sent him to play
mr human invented sdi deffense and showed it
you are wise told parents

mr tree and mrs animal were having a shower when young mr human called them
mum daddy
parents sent him to play
mr human invented nuclear missile and showed it
mum daddy whadda you think
you are grown up now told parents

mr tree and mrs animal were playing soccer when young mr human called them
mum daddy
parents sent him to play
mr human invented mr bush and showed it
you are human told parents

* * * *
Christmass is fallen ill are you kidding
old man of french coat
air is arid people are wet are you kidding
woman of sparkling sun

house is dead all the leaves are round
are you kidding you are too small
dollars are rapid since euro is cold ground
you are right jack at all

* * * *
dead coffee lies at the conrol panel with dead hawks
stealth photos of big leap at the window
god of grace for hookers is looking in the window

god of teen boys speaks to him
touching his absent running nose
didn't you forget to bless my babies

oh yeah answers the first god i forgot
i was blessing this brown girl in tv
remember her with twisted titties
we watched her last month

oh no answers the second god
i was killing these hawks
they were too white to be true

* * * *
russian version of the capitol rising head
while the capital celebrates the curtain down
and i'm entering the depth of sunshine

where laser illusions caught my head
when sounds of plains caught my ears
where visions of amazonia caught my eyes
and i'm a drunkard of the seventh day

and every human celebrates his own snow
while cutting letters of warm flowers
and burning children in closed room

and red knives of crushed sun came
and every human stands in the black rain
and every me feels his and their pain

and russia sleeps and america cums
and europe dies and trees are happy
no more papers and letters for us

* * * *
look at the small blue planet
one George is gay (what we can do?)
one John is fool
one Lisa is hooker
one Mary has two children
one Lee goes in for sports
one Ed is champion (we all are the champions, right?)
one April dies
one little Phil is hungry
one Melvin is poet
one Mildred cooks mussels
one Paul listens Pink Floyd (just a music)
one Tim is washing his butt
one Joseph feels free

isn't it fantastic friend?

* * * *
"my faith of coca-cola future needs food
i feed it with jade cigarette LM lights
(it is the only real thing doesn't matter)"
– tells Roger Wilco space janitor

(i smoke LM lights too)

yes space needs janitors too not only fauns and humans
(but they all are in kindred)

and i'm free shooter (lethal enforces) in small white russian spaceship
looking for a small white world in the star theatre
(near purple stars and blue stars black stars and grey stars
where are we humans buddy tell me something
but where are humans)

" my satisfaction depends on two things
is there any God (or i'm the best) and is there still coca-cola?"
- tells Roger Wilco and laughs

i smoke silent cigarette LM lights
looking for a small white world to live

* * * *
i'm whispering the orange name of Irene
listening blue trees in the hotel california
listening birds swimming in the space
and stars drinking green wine of leaves in the space
and blue trees listening Savage and Eagles in the space

standing in the cold rain
standing in the silent circle
standing on the beach with boys

i'm whispering the warm name of Irene
while all around is russian like alone and the space
i'm listening the sound of my voice in the cold lonely space
while space is listening i'm whispering this name

and space likes it

standing in the cold rain
standing in the silent circle
standing on the beach with boys

i'm whispering the great name of Irene
and plants are whispering it and stars and people all around the world are whispering this beautiful name with me

and earth likes it

standing in the cold rain
standing in the silent circle
standing on the beach with boys

God is whispering the shining name of Irene
and empty spaces of alone are waking up
and puny birds begin to sing the brilliant russian name of Irene

and God is fond of it with me