International Festival of Actual Poetry - полутона

Рефлект...куадусешщт #15

International Festival of Actual Poetry

Автор визуальной работы - I.MAXIMOVA

From 16.08.03 to 18.08.03 there was held the first international festival of actual poetry "SLOWWWO" in Kaliningrad. The festival was organized by the group
"RZY" ( with the support from the Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts and "Artego" project. Mass media support by web-sites "Polutona", "Ruka Moskvy"
[Moscow's Hand], "Setevaja Slovesnost" [Net Philology], "TERMItnik Poesii" [Poetry TERMItnik]. The basis of the festival that attracted participants from different countries was the idea of cultural consolidation; the organizers aspired to lay emphasize on the significance of contemporary literary process as a condition for preserving one's national identity. Within the frameworks of the festival on August 16 and 17, 2003, in the World Ocean Museum show room there were held the recitations. The following poets performed: Victor Urin (New-York); members of
"polutona" group: Mikhail Janchuk (Warsaw), Eugeny Riz and Dmitry Zernov (Nizhny Novgorod), Julia Idlis (Moscow), Anastasia Kiseleva (Minsk), Irina Ogneva (Klaipeda); the literary union "Ruka Moskvy" [Moscow's Hand]: Oleg Shatybelko, Elena Goncharova, Andrej Novikov, Dmitry Demin; the text-group "Orbita" [Orbit]: Sergej Timofeev, George Wallik, Vladimir Svetlov, Semen Hanin; Kaliningrad poetic union
"Revniteli Brennosti" [The Adherents of Temporality]: Sergej Mikhailov, Alex Garrido, Andrej Tozik, Igor Belov, Anton Lutsiev; and "RZY" group: Pavel Nastin (Kaliningrad), Irina Maksimova (Riga), Julia Tishkovskaja (Moscow). The two-day recitations lasted 4 hours with 24 authors participating. Andrej Novikov and Oleg Shatybelko presented a new "fat" poetic magazine "Net Poetry" aimed at the unification of literary process in the Internet and off-line. "RZY" group presented its CD that included both participants' texts and artworks in the sphere of photography, sound poetry. visual poetry and poetic video. The text-group "Orbita" presented the miscellany of the verses by Sergej Timofeev and the miscellany "Orbita". Victor Urin held meetings with the readers in the office of the Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts on August 15 and in the Regional Scientific Library on August 19. In the evening of August 17 the members of "Orbita" group and "Ruka Moskvy" took part in a poetic performance on I.Kant Island near Cathedral. In the evening on August 18 "Orbita" group showed poetic videos and a sound poetic performance in "Atlantika" restaurant. There was shown the material from the international festival of poetic video "Word in Motion" held by "Orbita" group in Riga. During the festival its organizers and participants decided to hold an exhibition of visual poetry and an international poetic festival in Warsaw, and also planned a number of literary Internet projects.The festival "SLОWWWО" is the only international poetic festival presenting contemporary poetic forms in Kaliningrad region Under the conditions of increasing isolation of Kaliningrad region from the rest of Russia the festival realization allowed to put stress on the importance of cultural contacts with the metropolis and the importance of overcoming the isolation of the local cultural space. In connection with this it was pleasant to notice the poetic mastery of Kaliningrad authors. The group "RZY" is planning to hold Kaliningrad poetic festival regularly. The format and the level have been declared, so they just should be perfected. The group "RZY" would like to record gratitude for help in organizing and carrying out the festival to Kaliningrad Branch of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts, Rudolf Nikolaevich Burukovsky and The World Ocean Museum, Mikhail Janchuk, Victor Urin, Danil Akimov and "Artego" project, literary union "Ruka Moskvy", text-group "Orbita", Julia Zaskevich and Victoria Shevchuk.Members of the group "RZY":Pavel Nastin, Julia Tishkovskaja, Eugeny Palamarchuk, Irina Maksimova.