ILYA BERNSTEIN. Hand and Foot - полутона

Рефлект...куадусешщт #37


Chapter 1.

Hand was eating breakfast one morning, when a letter was slipped under its door. Hand picked it up off the floor, and inspected the envelope.
“This is Foot’s handwriting,” Hand said to itself. “I wonder what it’s about.”
Hand carefully opened the envelope, using a butter knife, and read the letter. It said:

Dear Hand,
I am itching all over and my condition is only getting worse. Would it be possible for you to come and scratch me? I hope it’s not too much to ask. I am desperately in need of assistance.
Your friend,

“Poor Foot,” Hand said to itself. “I must leave at once.”

Chapter 2.

Foot lived far, far away. But Hand was ready to do what it could to help its unfortunate friend.
Hand packed its clothes neatly in a suitcase, poured out some extra milk for Ferdinand and Isabella, its two cats, and stepped outside.
On the street, Hand hailed a cab.
“Where to, boss?” asked the driver.
“To the airport, please,” said Hand politely.
“The airport it is, boss.”
The driver stepped on the gas, and they took off.

Chapter 3.
At the airport, Hand bought a ticket.
“A window seat, please,” Hand said. “If there is one.”
The flight was a long one. Hand spent most of it playing checkers with the young man who was sitting in the next seat over. Finally, the airplane came in for a landing, and Hand was safely back on the ground.
Outside the airport, Hand hailed a taxi.
“Where to, chief?” asked the driver.
“Foot’s house, please,” said Hand politely.
“Foot’s house it is, chief.”
The driver stepped on the gas, and they took off.
When the taxi pulled up in front of Foot’s house, Hand got out, and knocked on the door.

Chapter 4.
“Come in,” Foot’s voice said weakly from inside.
Hand opened the door and stepped inside.
Foot’s living room was dark.
Foot was lying on the couch, wearing a sock. It looked helpless.
“Hand!” Foot gasped. “Is it really you?”
“Don’t worry,” said Hand. “It’s really me.”
“Are you here to scratch me?”
“Yes, Foot, I’m here to do just that.”

Chapter 5.
And Hand scratched Foot all over.
“What a relief!” Foot sighed.
In the front, in the back, and on the sides.
“And especially between my toes,” said Foot.
Hand scratched there too.
“Aaah,” said Foot, stretching out on the couch. “I feel as good as new! Hand, you’re the best friend a foot could have!”
“Anything for you, Foot,” replied Hand, squeezing Foot affectionately.
“Let me make you a tasty cup of hot chocolate,” said Foot, getting up off the couch.
And Foot made Hand a cup of hot chocolate.
And it was very tasty indeed.