Elvina Zeltsman, Rafael Levchin. CINEMA, THEATRE AND ALL THAT JAZZ - полутона


Рефлект...куадусешщт #40

Elvina Zeltsman, Rafael Levchin. CINEMA, THEATRE AND ALL THAT JAZZ

Автор визуальной работы - E.Vishnevskii

Yes, we did it! We were on the 17th Chicago Underground Festival (from June 24 till July 1, 2010), and we watched absolutely unusual films by legendary film director Jonas Mekas, a Lithuanian survivor of Nazi labor camp and friend of Maya Deren! (unfortunately we didn’t see him in person)! Oh, the very best was Award Presentation to Andy Warhol, looks like a ritual, with this gods and goddesses were eating fruits and vegetbls, slowly and playfully; we liked also A Lettrer to Penny Arcade with drinking and dancing director, and Cassis as well, but the first was the best. Wow! It’s really wonderfull to see his job and to know his unpredictbl spirit.
And we loved very much The Wild Hunt by Alexandre Franchi: first, the role-playing game with vikings, knights, shamans, elfs and so on… and then, this fantastic story slowly becames more and more real, with real fight and real blood, real revenge and... reality of myth! Who can understand when this happens? Maybe, at the moment, when “dark people from dark kingdom” are destroying their papers and are now free to choose the real murder and REAL darkness.
Also was very good Modus Operandi by Randy Russel, ironic no-budget saga about CIA agent, who has special work about two secret briefcases… with documents on USA president! Funny, gorgeous parody on every spy movie (if we understand correctly, of course!).
And we adored Tennessee Waltz by Clayton Brown: a woman and a man are floating through deep space in small starship. A man became old, and a woman is in stasis. And then a mystery cloud and a desert planet meet them…
And we liked also Americatown by Kenneth Price: a metaphore of all USA: “ – Where are you from? – Oh, from small ideal community of future…”.
Absolutely different from that was documentary Scrappers by Ben Kolak and Courtney Prokopas: about finding recyclable metals, working with it, have a families in Chicago for poor people, who never surrender.
So, CUFF was good. As usually.

46th Chicago International Film Festival (October 7 – 21) was very good too, but in another way.
We wathched many movies; let’s name Black Swan by Darren Aranofsky (USA) about young dancer in hard situation (well, something close to The Wild Hunt). Then we watched Certified Copy by Abbas Kiarostami (France/ Italy/ Iran), and that is also close problem: what is a reality and what is a play? What is a copy and what is an original? And, of course, the work of great actress Juliette Binoche was amazing!
Circus Kids by Alexandre Lipsitz (USA/Israel)was about peace and friendship between jews and arabs teens. Oh, some sort of utopia ;-(
But the best was The Days Of Desire by Jozsef Pacskovszky (Hungary). Wonderful black-and- white film, good actress, playing young mute girls as housekeeper in the middle of tragedy…
How I Ended The Summer by Aleksei Popogrebsky (Russia) – two men, one madness... and Missing Man by Anna Fenchenko (Russia) – one man, a lot of madness… well, what Russia is about, right? And My Joy by Sergei Loznitsa (Ukraine/ Germany) is on Russia too, and this is the hell. Just so.
Oh, and Berlin is in Germany by Hannes Stöhr, and Seducing Dr. Lewis by Jean-Francois Pouliot, and Madam Satä by Karim Ainouz – very different, but in some way a lot of common: struggle and reconnection.

And between the festivals we watched Henri-Georges Clousot’s , so called French Hitchcok, films, Diaboliqie, La Verite (with very young Bardot!), and The Mystery Of Picasso (we couls see, how the genius created and destroyed his paintings) etc. But documentary by Serge Bromberg and Ruxandra Medreo on his unfinished experimental Inferno was the most interesting. We were stunned, really. Geometric patterns, multiple exposures, crazy and rich colors (as, for example, blood red water), kinetic art pieces, and many other effects to represent disordered mind of jelaous husband... and Romy Schneider as a star! Its’so sad, that Clouzot couldn’t finish this Infiniti – but… well, who could?

OK, lets’say also two words about Exit Through The Gift Shop: this is how people can be doomed with some quasy-artist (well, a quasy street artist, to be sure), or so. Interesting, anyway. As they said, entertaining.

And we almost missed 26th Chicago Latino Film Festival – we watched only El ultimo guion, Buñuel en la memoria (The Last Script Remembering Buñuel) by Javier Espada and Gaizka Urresti. Scriptwriter Jean-Claude Carriere, and Juan Luis Buñuel, son of director, are traveling to all cities in Spain, France, Mexico and USA, where this legendary director (1900 – 1983) worked on his surrealistic films.

We visited also The 2nd Talking Pictures Festival and watched SHORTS; Logograma was the best: satirical look on the world filled with logos.

Did we mention Jazz Festival and especially – the live legend SONNY ROLLINS?
Oh, yessss!!!!
And don’t forget very special dances by Yasuko Yokoshi in Columbia Dance Center; What We When We and The Tale of the Heike. Three Americans and three Japanese working together, and that is uncial mix of dance contemporary and archaic, images and sounds, storytelling and symbols, places and eras.
And of course the exhibit of our author and artist Rex Sexton in Black Walnut Gallery, where he represented his new book “X-Ray Eyes” – it was good to see you, Rex!
And another our author and artist, Rudolf Kotlikov was a part of art-show Los Artistas De La Calle.
And also don’t forget The Sins Of Sor Juana by Karen Zacarias as a part of Latino Theatre Festival in Goodman Theatre; very good stage work, oh, very good! But the performance was a little naïve.
And, in Block Museum of Art we watched the great exhibition of Early Modern Engraving, The Brilliant Line (Engraving The Ephemeral).
And, we almost forgot, Theatre Zarko presented (on the stage of Next Theatre) The Sublime Beauty of Hands and Klown Kantos.

But unfortunately we missed 20th Annual Rhytm World, 13th Chicago Improv Festival, Endgame in Steppenwolf Theatre, Rhinoceros Theater Festival, First Annual Chicago Colombian Music Festival, Grant Park Music Festival, One-Minute Film Festival by Jason Simon, Assyrian Festival “Tammuz”, and performance by Jonathan Meyer at the Other Dance Festival, etc, etc, etc...

That is not possible to get everything!
But we'll try!