Kevin Carey, Danny Levchin. WHERE IS NOWHERE? - полутона

Рефлект...куадусешщт #35

Kevin Carey, Danny Levchin. WHERE IS NOWHERE?

Автор визуальной работы - E.Zeltsman

List of Characters:

Uncle Gene
The Checkered Tiger

Russian fairy-tale characters

Баба Яга
Русский Богатырь

American fairy-tale characters

Paul Bunyon
The Devil
Devil’s Grandmother
English-speaking Warrior

An ensemble of obscure fairy-tale characters, checkered tigers, and stars.

Various Russian and American fairy-tale characters gradually come out on stage. They walk in pairs or alone telling their own tales in English and Russian. All their stories should begin with something traditional like “Once upon a time...” Eventually, they line up and do the following number:

Once upon a time
there lived a wealthy king.
He had a fair daughter
he had a jealous queen.

There was a mighty prince
who came from overseas
to battle with the dragon
and set the princess free.

There was a wicked witch
who cast an evil spell.
Upon the magic forest
eternal darkness fell.

The youngest of three brothers
would always get the prize.
There lived a greedy giant
who fell to his demise.

Yes, once upon a time –
a long, long time ago;
but where they are today –
nobody seems to know.

All exit.

Scene 1
John is on-stage reading a book.
John (looks up from the book) Let me tell you what once happened to me and my best friend Laura. But maybe it didn’t really happen and I saw it all in a dream, because Laura
was there and my uncle Gene was there, but some other people were there too.
Enter uncle Gene.
J. (points to Gene) Yes, that’s my uncle Gene.
G. Hey John, what are you reading?
J. It’s a book of old fairy-tales. Right now I’m reading the one about Baba Yaga..
G. Hm… I think I remember her... Well, anyway, I am going to the store for a few
minutes. Make sure you don’t touch any of my work. It is very important.
J. What are you working on, uncle Gene?
G. It’ a spaceship. Can I count on you?
J. Sure...
Gene leaves. Enter Laura.
L. Hey John, what are you doing?
J. I’m reading about Baba Yaga.
L. Hm... I never heard of her. Lets play space-pirates.
J. OK. I got a real space-ship in the basement. Only we can’t touch it. Uncle Gene won’t let me.
L. Wow! A real spaceship? Come on, we won’t move anything, and leave it like it was when we are done playing...
J. Ummm... I guess.
They play with the ship and push some button, the spaceship then takes off.
Kids dressed in space-related outfits come on and do a song about space travel.

If you ever play space pirates on a Sunday afternoon
and you take your uncle’s spaceship,
and you point it at the moon,
don’t forget to read instructions,
don’t forget to ask directions,
or you’ll end up on Uranus pretty soon.

But you didn’t ask permission
so you haven’t got a prayer.
And you don’t know where you’re going
so you prob’ly won’t get there.
Better follow us, the stars,
between Jupiter and Mars,
lies a strange and distant planet called Nowhere.

CHORUS You can tell your Mom and Dad
that you won’t be comin’ back.
Follow us, and don’t be scared,
to the planet called Nowhere.

And if you can land on Nowhere
and you wonder where to go
find yourself a checkered tiger,
maybe he will let you know.
Now the planet’s coming near
And we have to leave you here,
But we’ll watch you from above all through the show.

Scene 2
The planet Nowhere.
Enter English-speaking Warrior and Русский Богатырь

R. Я храбрый богатырь. (the other doesn’t understand)
E. I am a brave warrior. (same effect)
R. Очень приятно.
Е. How do you do?
R. Я иду на дракона.
Е. I am going to fight the dragon.
Enter Checkered Tiger.
E/R. Hey, come here!/Иди сюда!
R. Я храбрый богатырь.
Т. I got a booger here.
Е. Oh, gee, that's messy!
Т. Положи на место!
Е. I am a brave warrior.
T. Я бритый ворон.
R.(perplexed). Я иду на дракона.
Т. They do your dry-cleaning.
E. Who?
T. Ну?
R. Я храбрый богатырь.
Т. I got a…
E. Yes, I know… (pause) I’m going to kill the dragon today!
T. Я много видел драных людей!
R. Ну?
Т. Who?
E. What?
They both say ‘what?/что?’ a few more times and then storm off visibly upset.
T. I do speak both languages perfectly, thank you. We just have a little fun. Welcome to
Nowhere! We were here first, actually.Yes, the tigers. But one day these fairy-tale characters showed up. And they keep coming... They don’t speak the same language... Why did they pick our planet? Ah... here come some more...
Enter John and Laura.
J. Hello, sir…

L. Hi...
T. Hello, and what story are you from?
J. We’re not from a story, we’re from Chicago…
L. Rogers Park...
T. You’re not from a story? Then how did you get here?
J. We flew in uncle Gene’s spaceship... accidentally.
L. But I think it broke when we landed.
T. Hmmm... The only one who flies around here is Baba Yaga. Maybe she can lend you
her broom and you can go home.
J. Does she live in the forest?
T. Right over there (points offstage).
L. Thank you sir.
J. Thank you...
Exit John and Laura.
More checkered tigers come out and do the following number.

We only have one Universe –
they say it has no end
and it gets even bigger every day.
There are two million galaxies
that we can name off hand,
but we won’t say them all right now –
the show will then go on for hours –
and it may not be better off that way.

And every galaxy contains a hundred billion stars,
we see them when we go outside at night.
They look like tiny little dots because they are so far.
And we can’t say how many planets
just because there are so many,
but five million sounds about right.

CHORUS. But everyone needs a home
and this planet is home to us.
We lived here, for years, alone,
but we’ll welcome whoever comes.

We are the checkered tigers
and we like to live in peace
and what’s the use of all this fight and fuss.
In all the mixed-up fairy-tales
the squabbles never cease.
Although they may appear as strange
we sure could use a little change,
and now they’re just like family to us.

All exit

Scene 3
Baba Yaga’s neck of the woods.
Baba Yaga sits outside her hut.
Enter John and Laura.

J. Здравствуйте, Баба Яга.
L. Добрый день.
Б. Ооо, детишки. Давно я таких не видела. Я б вас сейчас съела, да больно вы худые. Давайте, я вам печку натоплю, откормлю, а там и съем.
J. Нет, бабушка, не надо нас есть. Нас мама с папой ждут. Мы ведь сюда случайно прилетели, а теперь улететь не можем. Может, вы нам метлу одoлжите на немножко? пожалуйста, мы домой слетаем.
Б. Ой, какие детишки разумные. Я б вам и не то дала, только нет у меня боле метлы.
L. Как нет метлы?
J. Баба Яга всегда с метлой, я это сам читал.
Б. Была, детки, метла, была, да вот только украла у меня её Щука, пол подметать.
J. А где эта Щука живёт?
L. Мы у неё сейчас же метлу заберём!
Б. Щука, она вон там живёт. (points to the other half of the stage where Емеля and Щука take their places.) Только куда вам со Щукой тягаться, она хитрая, хитрая, хитрее меня…
L. Идём к Щуке.
John and Laura cross the stage as Baba Yaga waves them good-bye.
Б. (к залу). Ой, как детей люблю…
Eмеля sleeps on a bench and Щука is sweeping the floor with Baba Yaga’s broom.
J. Это вы, Щука?
Щ. А кто ещё? А вы кто такие?
J. Я Джон, а это Лора.
Щ. Ага, ты, значит, Иваном будешь, а ты… так и останешься. Чем могу вам
L. Нам очень нужна ваша метла, для одного очень важного дела.
Щ. (thinks about it) Метла… Конечно, я дам вам метлу. (hands the broom to John.)
J. Спасибо большое.
Щ. Ничего… А может, вы мне тоже одолжение сделаете?
L. Конечно, а что вам надо?
Щ. Ох… Мету я здесь уже месяц, и не пускает меня к речке хозяин. А я здесь, как рыба без воды. Может, вы здесь постоите за меня, а я сбегаю искупаюсь? Как у вас там говорят «Let me off the hook?»
J. Э, Щука, а ты нас не прищучишь, вернёшься?
Щ. Ну, пусть Лора со мной идёт, присмотреть, а? Так как?
J. Хорошо, только не долго, пожалуйста, а то нас мама с папой ждут…
Щука runs off and Laura follows it. Емеля stirs on his bench.
E. Эй, Щука, ты тут?
J. Тут я, где ж мне быть?
Е. Что-то не похож твой голос… (opens his eyes) Вот дела! Щука сбежала!
J. Она сейчас вернётся. Я с ней просто местами поменялся на чуть-чуть, пока она в реке купается.
Е. На чуть-чуть? В прошлый раз она купаться отправилась и семнадцать лет прокупалась!
J. Семнадцать лет?
Е. Ну, а кто её винить может? У щук ведь часов нет. Ну ничего.Ты тоже сгодишся. Тебя как звать?
J. Иван.
Е. Дурак?
J. Нет, я умный.
Е. А как меня звать знаешь, умный?
J. Нет, я про тебя ещё не читал.
Е. Значит, будешь работать на меня три года или пока имени моего не отгадаешь.
J. Но ведь я не знаю, как тебя зовут…
Е. Вот и прекрасно. (goes back to sleep)
John is left sweeping the floor. Suddenly he hears a voice.
Voice. Эй, Иван.
J. Кто это?
Voice. Это я, метла, что в руках у тебя.
J. А как же ты разговариваешь?
Voice. Я ведь волшебная, я всё могу. И помочь тебе могу, если только ты обещаешь меня к Бабе Яге отнести. Мне пол мести совсем не подобается.
J. А ты знаешь, как его зовут?
Voice. Я всё знаю. А звать его – Горыныч.
J. Эй, ы, Горыныч!..
Е. Я – Горыныч? Змей? За такое оскорбление тебе ещё три года добавляю.
J (to the Broom) Метла, ты сказала «Горыныч»!
Voice. Ох, старость не радость, нет памяти совсем. Нет, нет, звать его… Конечно – Семь богатырей.
J. Семь? Ты уверена?
Voice. Точно. Семь!
J. Эй, ты, Семь Богатырей!
Е. Это я-то? Семь Богатырей? Эх, ты, а говорил, что умный. Как же я один могу быть семь? Значит, ещё три года тебе работать.
J. Метла!!
Voice. Ну, это я так, ошиблась… А! Емеля его зовут.
J. Емеля? Нет, уж лучше вообще не придумывай. Точно ж не Емеля…
Voice. Да нет. Точно Емеля, клянусь единственной моей ногой.
J. (uncertainly) Эй, Емеля…
Е. Кто? Как? А! Опять метла надула. Ну, ты, старуха! Опятрь придётся Щуку
вылавливать! (runs off)
Laura runs in.
L. Щука уплыла!
J. Ничего, метла наша. Я его имя отгадал!
L. Кого?
J. Емели.
L. Чего?
J. Неважно, идём…
They cross the stage to Baba Yaga’s house.
J. Мы метлу добыли, бабушка!
Б. (grabs the Broom) Ой, какие молодцы!
L. Ну, так можно, мы полетим?
Б. Ха-ха, да нет, на метле в космос не летают, детки.
J. Как… А как же нам домой…
Б. Ну, не плачь. Как вы сюда прилетели?
L. На корабле космическом. Но он поломался. А ещё на летающих тарелках летают.
Б. А! Что же ты раньше не говорил. Тарелок у нас много. Только вот такие, чтоб вы вдвоём уместились, есть только у Пола Баньона. Он великан, вон там живёт, на американской стороне. Все деревья мне уже посрубал!… Вот он вам тарелку даст. А я вам вот эту шаль, на, пожалуйста.
J. А зачем она нам?
Б. Не смотри, бери! Пригодится. А теперь в путь. Я вас провожу.
All exit.

Scene 4
Paul Bunyon’s house.
Paul Bunyon and the Devil are playing chess.

P. Why do I even hang out with you, Devil? You’re a cheater and a bad loser.
D. That’s not my fault. I have to be bad.
Enter John and L.
J. Are you Paul Bunyon, by any chance?
P. I am Paul Bunyon.
D. He is Paul Bunyon.
L. We flew here accidentally in uncle Gene’s spaceship and now we can’t go back.
J. We were told you have a flying saucer.
P. I have a lot of saucers, but they never fly. Not that I have seen. Here I’ll bring you one.
Bunyon leaves and comes back with a huge saucer. He puts it down. It’s big enough for the kids to stand in it. They get in. Paul Bunyon and the devil push the saucer, but it won’t get off the ground.
L. This is a tea saucer.
P. That’s the only kind I have. Sorry.
The Devil motions the kids off to the side.
D. It won’t fly, because you don’t know the magic words. But I know them and I can help you.
J. Really? Well, what are the magic words?
D. (laughs) I can’t tell you just like that. You have to do something for me. Don’t you know how fairy-tales go?
J. OK, what do we have to do?
D (loud) You must find my death!! Hahaha!!!
L. We’ll find it, right, John?
J. Sure, no problem. We’ll be back.
They walk over to the other side of the stage (the forest) where an old woman sits underneath a tree.
P. Now, why did you do that, Devil? Everyone knows you’re immortal...
D. Not everyone. Hahahah...
They play chess.
J. (to the old woman) Good day, Madam.
W. How are you, my children?
J. You must be cold sitting here in the forest all day.
L. Why don’t you take this shawl. We don’t need it. (hands her the shawl)
W. Why, thank you, children. What story are you two from?
J. We’re not from a story. We’re from Chicago and we have to get home before uncle Gene comes back. We’re looking for Devil’s death.
W. Devil’s death? Don’t you know that he is immortal? He doesn’t have any death.
L. Then why did he send us?
W. He’s just a troublemaker. But he’s not so bad, you know. He is my grandson. I’ll tell you what. Here take this egg and tell him that his death is inside.And tell him I sent you. (hands them an egg).
J. Thank you, Devil’s grandmother.
W. You’re most welcome.
They cross over to Paul Bunyon’s house.
L. We have your death, Devil. Now give us the magic words
D. I don’t have a death. That’s just an egg, I’m immortal!
L. Your grandmother gave it to us.Give us the words or I drop it.
D. Grandma! She always does this to me! Oк, ok, careful. The magic words are...
(whispers them to the children.) Now give me my death!
L. Here you go. (throws it offstage. The devil runs after it screaming)
J. Now we can finally go home.
P. Have a safe trip.
J. Don’t you want to come with us, back to America?
P. We can’t leave. Not on a flying saucer. We are here because we have been forgotten by children and we don’t have a place in their imagination.
L. What if we tell everybody we know about what we saw here?
P. They won’t believe you.
J. What if we make a play about it? And lots of people will come!
P. Hey, that might work. You can have a play at your school, and all of us will come and sing and dance and you can be the main characters.
J/L Sounds great!

Everyone comes out and they do the following song.

Well, you took your uncle’s spaceship and you ended up Nowhere
And you got quite turned around by the people you saw there.
But you pulled through because you did not give into despair,
Now buckle up we’re entering into Earth’s atmosphere.

CHORUS. Don’t forget, don’t forget, your journey isn’t over yet.
Don’t forget, don’t forget all the friends you have met.

We’re stranded on this planet
And, frankly, we can’t stand it.
We once were really famous,
We count on you to save us.

Расскажите дяде Жене, что вы ставите спектакль,
и не будет он ругать вас за космический корабль.
Расскажите что случилось, отчего и почему
с нами вы ещё слетаете на Марс и на Луну.

The first thing that you do when you get back is tell your friends
About the people that you saw and places you have been.
If they don’t believe a word of it, they think it’s all pretend
Remember that the truth will always triumph in the end.

CHORUS. Write a play, write a play, help us to escape today.
Write a play, write a play, let your heart light up the way.

They don’t need to believe in us,
as long as they have seen us.
We’ll live inside their dreams,
in never-ending scenes.